Community Placemaking Plans - Paeroa, Ngātea and Kerepēhi

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What is placemaking?

Placemaking is where the Council, Hauraki Iwi and hapū, and the community work together to make our public places better for everyone and for the place itself. Placemaking actions can include anything from widening footpaths and developing cycleways, to installing art, or holding a market. We’ll be able to do some actions fairly quickly, and others will take more time and budget.

If you value local knowledge and history, want to show your aroha (love) and connection to your place, and you’re keen to do the mahi (work) together to turn aspirations into reality, placemaking is for

What is placemaking?

Placemaking is where the Council, Hauraki Iwi and hapū, and the community work together to make our public places better for everyone and for the place itself. Placemaking actions can include anything from widening footpaths and developing cycleways, to installing art, or holding a market. We’ll be able to do some actions fairly quickly, and others will take more time and budget.

If you value local knowledge and history, want to show your aroha (love) and connection to your place, and you’re keen to do the mahi (work) together to turn aspirations into reality, placemaking is for you!

What is a placemaking plan?

A placemaking plan sets out our joint vision and aspirations for the public places in our towns, notes any challenges and opportunities, and outlines the actions we will take to improve these places. It is not about potholes or your rubbish service. That’s for our service request system.

We received a Better Off Funding package from central government to invest in the wellbeing of our communities. Part of this funding package is to develop placemaking plans for Paeroa, Kerepēhi and Ngātea.

Innovating today to transform tomorrow

We’re working with the talented, award winning design company Isthmus to shape Placemaking Plans with the community, for the community.

Developing the placemaking plans

Phase One: Speaking Together and Phase Two: Imagining Together (Complete)

At our phase one events in November 2023, the communities came up with some great ideas. The next community engagement events took place in February 2024, including Isthmus-led public workshops in Paeroa, Ngātea, and Kerepēhi. Workshops were also held at Hauraki Plains College, Paeroa College and Goldfields School. The conversations centered on high-level vision and goals for the towns, specific projects people would like to see happen, and inspiring people's creativity through the use of collage.

You can read a summary of the phase 1 and phase 2 co-design process, including community members ideas for each town in the Hauraki Placemaking Plans Engagement Stocktake on the Documents tab.

Phase Three: Planning Together

This phase of the project is underway now. Isthmus are translating the community feedback and ideas into a vision and goals for our towns and placemaking options. They are also putting their design expertise to use showing how we can tell our District's Story through design.

This phase also involves meetings between Isthmus, Council staff and key stakeholders, such as the Waikato Regional Council and Waka Kotahi to further discuss the proposed projects.

We plan to have Placemaking Plans signed off by September 2024.Council staff will also liaise further with local community groups to discuss potential partnerships for delivering some of the projects once the Council has adopted the placemaking plans.

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Ngātea Walk and Talk map

10 months

Hit the + (plus) icon, then drag the marker to add your pin to the map, along with your idea and feedback or even upload a photo!

In the phase one engagement went on a Ngātea ramble. We departed from the main road and followed pink markers that pick out a nearly 5km route around the town. At each marker there was a prompt question, for example: What do you see? What do you hear? What existing things do you want to see more of? what things do you want to see done differently?   Whether you were there doing the activity with us or are visiting online after the fact, add your comments on the map using the markers provided.

Follow the markers to be connected and prompted through observations that elevate the everyday and open up new perspectives of your town.

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Kerepēhi Walk and Talk map

10 months

Hit the + icon, then then drag the marker to add your pin to the map, along with your idea and feedback or even upload a photo! During phase on engagement in Kerepēhi went on a hīkoi together. We took a walk/ride around the block and collected treasures that represent the town in the eyes of those attending. Reflecting on these objects we asked questions like:

What do you see? What do you hear? What existing things do you want to see more of? What things do you want to see done differently? Whether you were there doing the activity with us or are visiting online after the fact, add your comments on the map using the markers.


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Paeroa Walk and Talk

10 months

Hit the + (plus) icon, then drag the marker to add your pin to the map, along with your idea and feedback or even upload a photo!

During the phase one engagement, in Paeroa we focused on tracking the route from Maunga (mountain) to Awa (river) and the many different perspectives of the town that you get along this journey. Like the other townships, questions like: What do you see? What do you hear? What existing things do you want to see more of? What things do you want to see done differently? and many more are being asked. Whether you were there doing the activity with us or are visiting online after the fact, add your comments on the map using the markers provided.

Page last updated: 05 Jun 2024, 11:07 AM